Playing with proper piano technique is not just about pushing the right keys. Everything from the way you sit to how you drop your fingers onto the keyboard will affect the sound of the piano. Correct sitting position and posture will allow you to translate energy from your entire body to the fingertips. Get it right and you can play with expression and a vast dynamic range.
It’s not just about making good playing better. Incorrect technique makes playing more difficult, tiring, and it can put unnecessary strain on your body. Bad seat positioning or posture can cause pain or discomfort in the shoulders, neck and back. Improper hand technique can give you stiff fingers and limit your dexterity even away from the keyboard. If you have ever suffered after writing or typing all day, you will know what this feels like.
Fixing bad physical technique can be tricky, so it’s important to develop good habits from the start. This chapter covers all elements of proper piano technique, from setting up your playing environment, to how your fingers interact with the keys. As you progress, it is a good idea to return to this chapter to continually adjust and correct your technique.
Bench and lower body position
It doesn’t matter what you sit on as long as it is comfortable, solid and at the correct height for you. The best option is an adjustable bench or stool, designed for playing piano. If you are lucky enough to have a chair in the perfect position then this is fine, but it’s very unlikely.
Place your bench/stool parallel to the centre of the keyboard, adjusting the distance from the piano so you can reach all of the keys with a comfortable hand position (see below). If you are using a grand piano bench, don’t use the whole seat. Instead, sit or perch on the front half, allowing you the leverage to move your feet up and down on the pedals.

Place your feet flat on the ground below your knees, not under the bench or off to the sides. Later, it will be important to move your feet freely from this resting position to use the pedals. Certain pieces use a lot of pedal work, so bear that in mind when getting comfortable.
If your feet aren’t flat on the floor with your arms in the correct position, you can add height to the ground using a mat or carpet. Again, make sure you use something comfortable but firm. A good angle for your knees is roughly ninety degrees, but it doesn’t have to be exact.
Now your lower body is fixed, with firm feet and hips, it won’t move much. Don’t shift along the seat, but keep your position strong and reach out for the higher and lower keys. If a piece concentrates on one part of the piano, then it’s fine to shift so you don’t end up leaning over to one side. You might have to try a few combinations to get it right, but it’ll be worth it.
Correct posture and upper body position
It is true that only the fingertips make contact with the keys, but your fingers should never do all the work alone. Your entire body is involved in playing the piano. Concert pianists who seem to make elaborate motions are playing with utter control. They are simply transferring energy from their entire body into the keys, so here we guide you on how to do the same.
Sit upright, back straight. Imagine a line all the way along your spine from your seat to the top of your head. Sitting like this may be tiring at first, especially if you are used to sitting on chairs that support your back. Don’t worry, your core will get stronger very quickly, and the position will soon feel natural.
Relax your shoulders. Fight the urge to hunch or curve your spine. Your head is heavy, so avoid craning to look down at the keys. This puts pressure on your back and shoulders. If you hold tension in your shoulders as most people do, roll them over and back a few times, then let your arms hang loose by your sides.
Once you’re comfortable, lay your hands either side of the center of the keyboard. Your fingers should be parallel to the keys, hovering somewhere above the middle of the white keys, close to the where the black keys begin (not on the edge).
Your elbows should be at a comfortable distance from your body, bent outward.
As you move up and down the keyboard with your fingers, your elbows should move along in a smooth, fluid motion. As your hands move apart and reach for the ends of the keyboard, your arms open up to a comfortable playing position. When you reach inwards, keep the wrists soft and let the hands turn in towards each other to avoid strain.
Relaxed and flexible wrists allow you to translate the weight of your arm into energy to play. Gravity is your friend here, so rather than keeping your wrist locked, keep it loose. It creates a more natural movement that will make your playing smoother, with greater dynamic range.
Relaxed and flexible wrists allow you to translate the weight of your arm into energy to play. Gravity is your friend here, so rather than keeping your wrist locked, keep it loose. It creates a more natural movement that will make your playing smoother, with greater dynamic range.
Look closely at your fingers. Imagine you are holding a small ball in each hand. Curl your fingers downward so that your fingertips tap on the keys. Your hand should be domed with rounded fingers like your knuckles are curling around the imaginary ball. If you are finding this hard to imagine, try cupping your hand over your knee, then lifting it onto the keyboard while keeping it in the same position.
